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LAMP of my life, the lips of Death
Hath blown thee out with their sudden breath;
Naught shall revive thy vanished spark . . .
Love, must I dwell in the living dark?

Tree of my life, Death's cruel foot
Hath crushed thee down to thy hidden root;
Nought shall restore thy glory fled . . .
Shall the blossom live when the tree is dead?

Life of my life, Death's bitter sword
Hath severed us like a broken word,
Rent us in twain who are but one . .
Shall the flesh survive when the soul is gone?

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Chintu ❤️

मामूली सा इंसान हूँ....😌

  मामूली सा इंसान हूँ,  ज़्यादा मत परखना मुझको,  हो सके तो इनकार कर देना,  पर इंतज़ार में मत रखना मुझको। 😍